I'd love to hear how Pattern Transfer is working for you. Please also feel free to get in touch with support requests. Useful testimonials will be added at the bottom of this page. Get in touch via https://github.com/patterntransfer/patterntransfer.github.io

Christel, September 2021
This pattern transfer tool is God Sent. I am doing payroll and copy and paste endlessly is time-consuming and leads to human error. Thank you for the tool. I can work efficiently and smartly too.

Colin, November 2020
It's great to see that you have made Pattern Transfer available to the wider world. It certainly saved me a lot of time and effort when I was preparing data for the in-flight entertainment industry and I know it was used extensively by the metadata team. It quite literally saved us hours of work and increased accuracy too. I heartily recommend that anyone who needs to copy data in Excel should download this tool to gain the productivity benefits! Many thanks Dave!